When you're out on the trail, there's nothing like the satisfaction of reaching into your pack and pulling out a savory snack to keep you going. Whether you're tackling a steep incline or enjoying a leisurely walk through the woods, having the right snacks can make all the difference. 

But picking the right snack can be tricky. You need something that provides lasting energy, doesn’t weigh you down, and keeps you feeling full and satisfied. Many traditional snacks fall short—either they’re too sugary, causing an energy crash, or they’re perishable, which isn’t ideal for long hikes. 

Vegan snacks offer several nutrient-dense options that are perfect for fueling your adventure. Not only are they often lighter and more portable, but they also cater to diverse dietary needs and preferences. 

Read on to explore the benefits of savory vegan hiking snacks and why they’re an excellent choice for satisfying your cravings on the trail.

hikers enjoying vegan hiking snacks

Key Components of Savory Vegan Snacks

Now, let's break down what makes a good savory vegan snack: 


Protein is crucial for muscle repair and energy. Hiking can be tough on your muscles, and having snacks rich in protein can help. 

Look for vegan snacks that include ingredients like legumes, nuts, and seeds, which provide protein and other essential nutrients like fiber, which aids digestion and keeps you feeling full longer.  

Plant-based proteins also tend to be more easily digestible, reducing the risk of digestive issues while you’re on the trail. 

Healthy Fats

Fats are a dense source of energy, perfect for long hikes. They help you feel full and provide sustained energy.  

Moreover, fats are good for your heart, help in absorbing fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D, E, and K, and can improve brain function and keep you mentally sharp as you navigate your hike. 

Complex Carbohydrates

For lasting energy, complex carbs are your best friend. They break down slowly, giving you a steady supply of energy. Think about grains, root vegetables, and other plant-based sources of complex carbohydrates. 

Since they release energy gradually, complex carbohydrates prevent spikes and drops in blood sugar levels. They also support muscle function and recovery, which is essential after a strenuous hike. 


While not a macronutrient, fiber maintains energy levels and digestive health. High-fiber snacks can prevent hunger pangs and keep your digestive system running smoothly, which is especially important when you’re on the move. 

Seasonings and Herbs 

Don’t underestimate the power of flavor! Herbs and spices can make your snacks exciting without adding unhealthy elements. Seasonings like turmeric, rosemary, and black pepper enhance taste and come with their own health benefits. 

Turmeric, for instance, has anti-inflammatory properties, while rosemary can improve digestion. Using a variety of herbs and spices can keep your taste buds entertained and add nutritional value to your snacks. 

Minerals and Vitamins

Finally, ensuring your snacks contain a good mix of vitamins and minerals is vital for health and optimal performance on the trail. 

Quality vegan snacks provide essential nutrients such as iron, calcium, and vitamin B. These micronutrients support everything from oxygen transport in your blood to bone health and energy metabolism.

couple eating vegan hiking snacks

Practical Considerations for Hiking Snacks

When choosing your savory vegan snacks, there are a few practical things to keep in mind: 

  • Portability: Your snacks need to be lightweight and easy to carry. You don't want to be weighed down by bulky food items. Look for compact snacks that can fit easily into your pack. 
  • Storage: Hikes can take you through various weather conditions. Your snacks should be able to withstand different temperatures. Choose items that don’t require refrigeration and can handle a bit of jostling in your bag. 
  • Shelf-life: Long hikes mean you need snacks that stay fresh. Opt for snacks that have a good shelf life without needing preservatives. This way, you can enjoy them without worrying about spoilage. 
  • Ease of Eating: When you’re out on the trail, you want snacks that are easy to eat on the go. Choose snacks that don’t require a lot of preparation or utensils. Bite-sized snacks or items that can be eaten with minimal fuss are ideal. 
  • Packaging: It’s always good to minimize your environmental footprint, even when you’re out enjoying nature. Vegan snacks with biodegradable packaging or reusable containers are excellent choices. 

Mindful Snacking on the Trail

To make the most out of your savory vegan snacks, be mindful of how and when you snack: 

Portion Control

It’s easy to overeat when you have tasty snacks. Pack them in portion-controlled sizes to avoid eating too much at once. This way, you will manage your energy intake throughout the hike and make sure you don't run out of snacks too soon. 

Using small, resealable bags or containers can help you keep portions in check and make it easier to grab a quick bite without stopping for too long. 

Frequency of Snacking

Don’t wait until you’re starving. Regular, small snacks can keep your energy levels up. Try to snack every hour or so, depending on the intensity of your hike, to prevent fluctuations in blood sugar levels and keep a steady pace. 


Savory snacks can make you thirsty, so remember to drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated is just as important as keeping your energy up. Dehydration can lead to fatigue, headaches, and decreased performance, which can put a damper on your hike. 

Consider carrying a reusable water bottle or hydration pack and make it a habit to sip water regularly, especially after consuming salty snacks. 

Listening to Your Body

Pay attention to your body’s signals. If you feel hungry, tired, or low on energy, it’s time for a snack. However, also be mindful of not eating out of boredom or habit. 

Hiking can sometimes lead to mindless munching, so being conscious of your actual hunger levels can help you avoid unnecessary calorie intake. 

Balancing Snack Types

Mix up your savory snacks to include a variety of nutrients. For example, combine high-protein snacks with those rich in healthy fats and complex carbohydrates. This practice keeps your taste buds happy and creates a well-rounded nutrient intake, supporting different aspects of your body’s needs during the hike. 

Snacking Etiquette

When snacking on the trail, be mindful of your surroundings and practice “Leave No Trace” principles. Pack out all your trash, including biodegradable waste, to keep the trails clean and enjoyable for everyone.  

Using reusable containers can help minimize waste and make it easier to pack out everything you bring in.

people cycling and eating vegan hiking snacks

Looking for the Perfect Vegan Hiking Snacks?

Gear up for your next adventure with some awesome vegan snacks like jerky, crackling, and toppers from Off-Piste Provisions. As a plant-based meat company from Aotearoa, New Zealand, we’ve created snacks with 100% plant ingredients and 45% protein while going off-piste toward a more optimistic future. 

Shop now or contact us for more information! 
